Become a supportive member of Familylab Association

Supportive members of Familylab Association

Become a Family-lab supporter!

Our goal is to educate and inform the world about the importance of relationships, and the values that supports the healthy growth and development of children, as well as the wellbeing and competence of parents and families. And also support the work of professionals working with children and families. 

To do our work we are in need of support, both morally, but also financial support. We therefore would like to suggest to you the possibility to be a Familylab association supporter. 

As a FLA supporter you will be listed on our website with your name or company Name (optional), and with a link to your website (optional). 

Join us today:

Extract from the statutes:

Natural and legal persons can be Passive Members. The Passive membership has the character of a patronage and is not bound to a maximum number per country. Each Passive Member needs to pay a yearly fee of EUR 100.00. Passive members have no vote.



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„Developing a relationship doesn’t necessary need to take long, it depends more on a mental priority.“ Jesper Juul